An accomplished and internationally recognised specialist surgeon

Mr Koppert obtained his Medical Degree in 1988 from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. He subsequently received extensive surgical training in Europe, Canada, and the USA. After settling in Australia in 2000, Mr Koppert served as a Director of Surgery, Associate Professor of Surgery, and Supervisor of Surgical Training. Presently Mr Koppert practices as a full-time private surgeon at leading Melbourne facilities.
With a surgical and endoscopy career spanning more than 25 years, and having worked in various international healthcare systems, Mr Koppert offers a wealth of knowledge and experience and a practice with a unique philosophy to make his patient’s journeys as expedient and as low-cost as possible. Mr Koppert is committed to providing an exceptional level of safety and quality care to all of his patients.
All operations, gastroscopies and colonoscopies are provided at accredited private hospitals (Epworth Hawthorn and Epworth Eastern – Box Hill). Each of these facilities offer state-of-the art theatres and equipment. Mr Koppert is supported by a highly experienced administration team, theatre and endoscopy staff, and specialist anaesthetists.
Separate to his surgical and endoscopy practice, Mr. Koppert also offers expert medical treatments for the management of TMJ (Teeth-Grinding and Clenching), migraines and neck pain. For expert advice, contact us to enquire whether you are a suitable candidate for this treatment.

Feel Better, Live Longer, Be Your Best

Mr Koppert offers consultations Monday through Friday. Appointments for consultations are readily available by contacting his friendly and knowledgeable office staff on (03) 9498 3315. Your time and your concerns are important to us and we always endeavour to provide punctual and courteous service.
Mr Koppert frequently has access to extra theatre and endoscopy sessions as needed, thus offering patients short waiting times for both their consultation and procedure(s).

Mr Koppert holds the Australian surgical qualification, known as the Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, or FRACS. In addition, Mr Koppert holds Fellowships from the American College of Surgeons (FACS) and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (FRCSC), making Mr Koppert an internationally recognised and broadly skilled specialist surgeon.
Mr Koppert has previously served as a Director of Surgery, Associate Professor of Surgery, and Supervisor of Surgical Training, and continues to enjoy teaching in the field of surgery.
A procedure to examine the oesophagus, stomach and first part of the small bowel(duodenum).
This is a day-procedure performed under IV sedation.
A procedure used to examine the large bowel (colon and rectum) and remove polyps (potential pre-cursors to bowel cancer).
This is a day-procedure performed under IV sedation.
A cholecystectomy is the surgical removal of the gall bladder, usually performed laparoscopically (keyhole surgery) and typically when gallstones cause attacks or inflammation.
This procedure requires an over-night stay and is performed under a general anaesthetic.
An appendicectomy is the surgical removal of the appendix, usually performed laparoscopically (keyhole surgery) and typically when the appendix is inflamed.
This procedure requires an over-night stay and is performed under a general anaesthetic.
A surgical procedure to repair a hole in the abdominal wall muscle(s).
This is typically a day-procedure performed under either IV sedation and local anaesthetic, or under a general anaesthetic.
A surgical procedure to repair a weakness in the midline abdominal wall fascia.
This is typically a day-procedure, but may be offered with an overnight stay and requires a general anaesthetic.
A surgical procedure through a small incision in the palm of the hand to divide a ligament (tight band) that compresses the ‘median nerve’, which results in symptoms of pain, burning, numbness and tingling in the thumb, index finger, middle finger and the thumb side of the ring finger, especially at nighttime.
This is a day-procedure, usually performed under IV sedation and local anaesthetic.
The surgical removal of a ganglion cyst, which is a fluid-filled lump associated with a joint (typically the wrist).
This is a day-procedure, usually performed under IV sedation and local anaesthetic.
Skin lesions and lumps under the skin can be removed when symptomatic, or to exclude/remove a cancer.
This is a day-procedure, usually performed under IV sedation and local anaesthetic.
The surgical removal of part, or all of a toenail (usually the big toe) of which the corner or side of a toenail has grown into the soft flesh. The result is pain, redness, swelling and sometimes an infection.
This is a day-procedure, usually performed under IV sedation and local anaesthetic.
The surgical emptying of a localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue, usually by making a small incision only.
This is a day-procedure, performed in the consulting rooms or in the operating theatre under a local anaesthetic +/- IV sedation, or a general anaesthetic.
The treatment of swollen veins at the level of the anus, either by conservative management, or by surgery (usually by painless banding, or occasionally by incision and drainage).
This is a day-procedure and is performed under a brief general anaesthetic.
The surgical removal of excess skin at the outside of the anus.
This is a day-procedure and is performed under a brief general anaesthetic.
The presence of a painful anal canal tear, often associated with hard bowel motions, or diarrhoea. Usually managed by conservative, or occasionally surgical means.
If surgery is required, this is performed as a day-procedure under a brief general anaesthetic.
A condition in which part of the rectum drops out of the anus. Where possible a simple banding treatment, similar to haemorrhoid banding, can lift the rectum back into normal position and remove the excess tissue.
This is a day-procedure and performed under a brief general anaesthetic.
The surgical removal of a channel formed around an ingrown hair in the natal cleft, which can be associated with the formation of an abscess.
This is a day-procedure performed under either IV sedation and local anaesthetic, or under a general anaesthetic.
Surgical correction of a fluid collection around the testicle.
This is a day-procedure performed under either IV sedation and local anaesthetic, or under a general anaesthetic.
Vasectomy is a surgical procedure for male sterilisation. The procedure is performed through a single small incision in the scrotum.
This is a day-procedure usually performed under IV sedation and local anaesthetic or under a general anaesthetic.
Neuromodulators treat TMJ, teeth grinding (bruxism), clenching, headaches/migraines, and neck pain. Injected into the ‘Masseter’ (chewing) muscles, it reduces muscle strength, curbing excessive grinding and clenching, lessening teeth wear and alleviating related jaw pain and headaches, primarily in the temple region.
They are also used for tension-type headaches and migraines, via injection into specific points on the forehead, temples, neck and shoulders. This decreases muscle tension, reducing headache frequency, severity, and duration.
Patients experience consistent results, with symptoms becoming less frequent, less severe, shorter in duration, or even completely resolving.

- (03) 9818 8275
- Medicare Card
- Private Health Insurance Details
- GP Referral Letter
- Relevant Test Results
(Blood Tests, CT-Scans, X-Rays, etc.) - List of Current Medications
Privately insured patients with adequate private health insurance cover are offered all surgical and endoscopy procedures in a private facility incurring only a modest surgical gap charge. Patients who have an ‘excess’ with their private health fund policy will need to settle this amount at the time of admission to the private facility. Please note that restrictions, and/or exclusions on a private health-fund insurance policy for the planned surgical or endoscopy procedure(s), may render patients effectively uninsured (see below).
Uninsured (‘Public’) patients who would like to have their surgical or endoscopy procedure performed by Mr Koppert in a private hospital facility, following their initial consultation, are provided a detailed ‘fee estimate’/Informed Financial Consent (incl. Surgeon, Anaesthetist, private hospital facility, and possible prosthesis). Once the surgical quote is accepted by the patient, procedures can be scheduled on the next available theatre or endoscopy list.
Suite 2, Level 2
50 Burwood Road
Hawthorn, VIC 3122
- (03) 9818 8275

1 Arnold Street
Box Hill, VIC 3128
- (03) 9818 8275